Conference Websites

Conference Websites

Organization: American Public Gardens Association

From 2014 through 2020 I oversaw the conception and execution of a full website for each annual conference the American Public Gardens Association holds. Each site consists of a homepage with a host and partner list, 15+ informational pages each including sponsor and exhibitor lists, a full schedule of 75+ events, sponsor carousel at the bottom of each page, photography, and tourism pages. During the development phases I work closely with a team of designers, tech/web architects, educators, development professionals, and marketers. Once launched I was responsible for maintaining the site including editing existing content, creating new content, and troubleshooting technical issues.

  • Contributed to $2.5+ million in registration sales (combined)

  • 700,000+ website visitors (combined) &

Websites designed and built by: BackOffice Thinking

Conference Program Books

Conference Program Books

Conference Mobile Apps

Conference Mobile Apps